Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Attack of the Killer Blush

Blushing can come on so quickly it's like a slap out of nowhere. Then you're left feeling embarrassed and insecure, wondering what you did to deserve this! Ever wonder exactly what's happening when you blush? A lot of people don't really care...they just want answers. But it is helpful to know thy enemy intimately. They say, knowledge is the best weapon!

Here's an informative clip from an informative article:

"When you blush, the blood vessels in your face widen allowing more blood to pass through to the skin. The tiny muscles in your blood vessels usually keep the vessels slightly squeezed, but during a blushing episode, nerves in your body send signals to relax these muscles. Because this action is an automatic response, it is nearly impossible to stop once the action has begun. In fact, the harder you try to stop blushing, the redder you will usually get."

Click here to read the rest of this article: Blushing - What Is Blushing: "Physiology of Blushing

Check out more of my info in an informative read here at Stop Yourself From Blushing for Good and Be Happy Again!

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