Monday, October 26, 2009

Save Your Blushing Self from Expecting the Worst

Although looking at lists of causes can drive a person mad, they help convince you that you're probably not dying of a terminal illness. As you're brain is reeling "BUT WHICH ONE DO I HAVE?!", just simply take it all in and keep telling yourself there is a 99% chance you're one of the 10 million or even 1 million people who blush because of THESE reasons. Which are all-in-all non-terminal. So stop expecting the worst! You have life to live!

" Causes of Flushing that are very common

The following causes of Flushing are diseases or medical conditions that affect more than 10 million people in the USA:

* Alcoholism
* Diabetes
* Hypertension - flushed face
* Premenstrual syndrome - hot flushes
* Social phobia - blushing

Causes of Flushing that are common

The following causes of Flushing are diseases or conditions that affect more than 1 million people in the USA:

* Generalized anxiety disorder - hot flashes
* Insect sting allergies - Facial flushing
* Latex allergies - flushing
* Panic disorder - hot flashes
* Pregnancy"

Click here to read the full article: Common causes of Flushing - "Causes of Flushing that are very common

It is highly likely that you're a very sensitive person in need of what I call a "mind-body sweep" which can be likened to a reformatting of sorts. Clean out all the bad stuff and replace with new good stuff. Don't worry, it doesn't involve surgery! Check out Stop Yourself From Blushing for Good and Be Happy Again! for more of my story and how I learned to stop.

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